Regular IFA meeting
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Regular member meeting was held on Tuesday morning, October 14, 2014, from 9:00-12:00 AM at the Deloitte conference room.
- 9,00-9,20 Administration
- 9,20-9,50 R. Hrůšová, MF: VAT in EU - aplication of reverse charge
- 9,50-10,15 J. Tůma, MF: Direct taxes in EU
- 10,15-10,30 coffee break
- 10,30-11,00 S. Hornochová, MF: What is new in taxes in 2015 and 2016
- 11,10-11,30 M. Roháček, GFŘ: News in automatic information exchange
- 11,30-11,45 Discusion on new transfer pricing documents
- 11,45-12,00 R. Bláha, GFŘ: Taxation of permanent estabilishment in the eys of financial administration