
IFA Congress - Cancun 2020

22. 07. 2020

Vážené členky, vážení členové,

níže přikládáme znění dopisu v originále informující všechny členy o posunutí termínu konání letošního IFA kongresu (Cancun, Mexiko) z důvodu pandemie na září 2022.



Dear IFA Members,

We hope this message finds you and your close ones well and healthy.

Due to the current global situation with COVID-19, it is with great regret that we inform you that the IFA CANCUN 2020, which was to be held in October 2020, has been postponed, being rescheduled to take place on SEPTEMBER 10-15, 2022.

IFA Mexico has been working hard and with enthusiasm on IFA CANCUN 2020; nevertheless, the health and the well-being of our members is our most important priority. Stay well today, we will be together and stronger tomorrow.

We are looking forward to seeing you in IFA CANCUN 2022!

For more information, follow the official IFA association website closely and soon will be sharing more details of IFA CANCUN 2022.

In addition to this, with the aim of maintaining continuous education and scientific updating among our members, we are working with Central IFA on a program that will take place in the fall of 2020.

IFA Mexico will share information to its members on this event to be held on October / November 2020, as soon as all the details have been confirmed and our branch decides the logistics around it.

Best wishes in these troublesome times and please keep safe!

Edgar M. Anaya Bourgoing
President of the Organizing Committee
